«Non.magazine is a Spanish-based fashion magazine with the vision of becoming an international reference platform for fashion and culture. In our magazine, we are passionate about exploring the multiple layers of fashion and understanding it as an artistic and cultural expression that goes beyond trends and stereotypes. Our content is a mix of fashion, photography, art, and culture that reflects the creativity and talent of the moment


Bonnetje Unveils Debut Collection «Reassemblages» at Copenhagen Fashion Week

Copenhagen-based fashion brand, Bonnetje, made a striking debut at this year’s Copenhagen Fashion Week with their inaugural collection, «Reassemblages.» Embracing a philosophy of transforming old suits into new and unique silhouettes, Bonnetje positions itself at the forefront of the sustainable fashion movement.

Under the creative vision of founders Anna Myntekær and Yoko Maja Hansen, the brand takes a bold step towards redefining fashion in the face of a disposable culture. «We face the sight of all things falling apart with a vision of how beautifully things might reassemble,» says the duo, highlighting their commitment to circularity and the reuse of defunct materials.

«Reassemblages» is not merely a fashion collection but a journey into the heart of Bonnetje’s creative process. The founders, both alumni of Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, draw on their experiences working with renowned fashion houses in Paris to present a distinctive perspective on sustainable practices.

The collection, unveiled during Copenhagen Fashion Week, showcases pieces crafted by deconstructing traditional businessman’s uniforms. Exploring all layers, inside, outside, and upside-down, Bonnetje’s designers push the envelope of creativity, offering a unique blend of the past and a vision for the future.

Reflecting on their journey, Hansen shares, «In the beginning, it was very unclear what we wanted to do; we just had this idea of creating on our own. Because we were critical of the industry and the working hours, we decided to try to do it our own way.»

The collection features innovative designs, including waistband breast bands, bias-cut black dresses made from lining fabric and deadstock, and charming bodysuits with a romantic circus air, created from suit and shirt scraps fashioned into flowers. Bonnetje’s approach involves working with unexpected materials, such as shirting, and incorporating surprising details.

Hansen emphasizes, «We like taking something masculine and very formal and then transforming it into something feminine and a bit odd.» An outstanding example is the trouser boots designed to be buttoned together like pants, showcasing the brand’s knack for reinventing traditional styles with a touch of femininity and quirkiness.

As the fashion industry increasingly focuses on sustainability, Bonnetje emerges as a key player, pushing boundaries and inspiring a shift towards more responsible and creative fashion choices. The brand’s attention to detail and innovative designs have already captured the admiration of industry insiders, including stylist Maya Soul Paustian, who praises Bonnetje for pushing the envelope on the Copenhagen fashion scene.

Words: @annaamaso