«Non.magazine is a Spanish-based fashion magazine with the vision of becoming an international reference platform for fashion and culture. In our magazine, we are passionate about exploring the multiple layers of fashion and understanding it as an artistic and cultural expression that goes beyond trends and stereotypes. Our content is a mix of fashion, photography, art, and culture that reflects the creativity and talent of the moment


Interview: Autow Nite Superstore

Step into the vibrant realm of electronic music crafted by Autow Nite Superstore, a talented producer and DJ rooted in the cultural hub of Athens, Greece. Renowned for his distinctive sound, Autow Nite Superstore seamlessly weaves together a maximal blend of contemporary electronic genres, transcending boundaries from bass and techno to garage and beyond. His musical canvas is an exploration of hi-energy affairs, adorned with heavy club textures and emotionally evolving sounds. Join us as we delve into the sonic universe meticulously curated by Autow Nite Superstore, where each beat is a brushstroke painting a dynamic and immersive auditory experience.

Anna Masó: Can you tell us about your musical journey and how you started as an electronic music producer and DJ?

Autow Nite Superstore: I remember being around 14-15 and getting my first PC. I stumbled upon Mixcraft 2, I think, and it was like finding the secret passage to Wonderland! I was fascinated by the way you could play around with sound; it was my first encounter with having creative control over something. As for DJing, a very close friend of mine had some prime equipment at his home, as his dad was a renowned jockey. He helped me learn more about how this stuff works, what beatmatching is, and just getting hands-on, you know.I never stopped doing or playing music, but it was an ever-changing thing. I was just creating stuff, not caring about genres or playbooks; I was playing trip-hop/electronic live with a band, doing ambient music, house stuff, rap, techno, whatever. I was just creating stuff that moved me and helped me get through everyday life. And that’s something I’m trying to get back to nowadays, to be honest.

AM: Being an independent artist, what challenges and rewards come with writing, producing, and releasing music on your own terms?

AN: Being an independent artist is increasingly becoming the norm. Many individuals are now independent creators, which is fantastic. It’s a natural progression, considering that the creative industry is fundamentally about creativity, not just being an «industry.» Being independent gives you the freedom to move around and do things on your own terms and time, work with people and small labels that you choose to, and shape things how you want to. However, the challenges are evident in the struggle to gain momentum and secure funding for projects to achieve meaningful exposure. It’s hard to get the needle moving, and the feeling of being left behind is quite real and stressful.

AM: Your music is described as moving between genres. How do you navigate and blend these diverse influences in your creative process?

AN: To be honest, I try not to think while I’m doing music. It’s my own time, my own playground; I approach it as a raw process. It’s kind of like a fluid journey where I embrace a range of influences, allowing them to organically blend and shape the sound. This involves experimenting with various sounds, rhythms, and textures to find the way into something completely new.

AM: Speaking of fashion, how do you see the relationship between personal expression and prevailing fashion trends?

AN: Fashion and music have always influenced each other, complementing and resonating. The visual aesthetic is an extension of the sonic landscape, forming a symbiotic relationship that transcends traditional boundaries. Accessories and perfumes play a vital role too, at least in my process, adding an extra sensory dimension to the equation.

AM: Who are your cultural or philosophical influences, and how have they shaped your perspective on life and creativity?

AN: I’d be unfair if I just stated two or three names here; I think a big chunk of how I perceive things, around life and creativity, comes from just observing things. Years of therapy have also helped, as well as attending inspiring masterclasses. But always, always, witnessing people in the act of creating things, every kind of thing, can be truly striking.

AM: How does the live aspect contribute to the overall experience of your music?

AN: Performing live is a huge part of my work, and the overall feeling I want my music to have. Strobing lights, vivid visuals, and loud sound systems are essential to set the tone right and spread all the needed frequencies in the room or the club.

AM: Looking ahead, what can we expect from Autow Nite Superstore? Are there future projects or collaborations that excite you?

AN: Since my last LP, I’ve been working on several projects, both as a producer collaborating with other artists and as a solo artist myself. I’m now finishing up an album, which took me some time to figure out how it should sound, and hopefully, it’ll be out in spring ’24.


